Truancy Support

Families are one of the most important figures in a student’s academic success. Yet many report that today’s legalistic approach to truancy is alienating and demotivating. Families need positive solutions and support to help get their students back on track. Truancy Support identifies truant students for busy educators and sends research-based truancy notices that bring families in as trusted partners and inspire them to take action, because every missed learning opportunity matters.

Read the Research

What makes our truancy notifications different?

By applying evidence-based family outreach principles to optimized state-mandated truancy notices, Truancy Support is a restorative and scalable solution for your entire district. Our truancy notices are personalized, easy to understand, and nonpunitive for families. They leave families feeling thankful, valued, and respected, and more effectively prompt families to take action to improve student attendance. Developed through research conducted by EveryDay Labs’ cofounder Dr. Todd Rogers & Attendance Works’ Executive Director Hedy Chang, our truancy notices are 40% more effective than standard truancy letters.

Educators gain a deeper understanding of student attendance challenges with access to the MTSS portal EveryDay Pro. Providing attendance analytics at the district, school, and student level, surfacing attendance patterns and trends, and streamlining intervention coordination, EveryDay Pro helps educators deliver targeted support for the students who need it most.

Our Truancy Notices

  • Clear & simple language that make families feel valued, hopeful, and respected
  • Empowering language that motivates families to take action 
  • Automatically printed & mailed to give educators more time to nurture relationships

Standard Truancy Notices

  • Focused on punitive language that leaves families angry, sad, or scared
  • Compliance-centered without providing solutions
  • Time consuming to produce, personalize, print, & mail
Truancy Support identifies students eligible for a truancy notice across the entire district. With just one click, educators sign-off on the students who need them and EveryDay Labs prints & mails restorative truancy letters to families.

Funding Sources

Title I
Title IV, Pt. A
State and Local
Early Childhood
Student Services

Getting students on track starts with attendance. We can help.