April 25, 2024

6 Ways to Leverage Your MTSS Attendance Dashboard for Better Family Outreach & Student Connections

As educators across the country work to rebuild connections and accelerate learning, nurturing strong relationships with students and their families is a critical stepping stone on the path to student success. Meaningful communication & conversations require not just trust and empathy, but clear data that translates into high-impact action. But with time at a premium, it’s not always easy to get the right information at just the right time for proactive, effective support. That’s where the right MTSS attendance dashboard can be a game-changer.  Access to clear attendance insights at your fingertips, along with tools that streamline your teamwork and outreach, can provide the foundation you need for the strong connections that student success is built on. Have you tried these six ways to make your data dashboard work harder for you?

Dashboard Data Driving Strategic Engagement 

Proactive Patterns: The right MTSS attendance dashboard brings you beyond the simple attendance rate. Some will help you identify attendance patterns, and EveryDay Pro goes one step further to automatically surface attendance patterns like day of the week, early absence, and prior year absenteeism. Having immediately flagged patterns at your fingertips makes it easy to prioritize who may need a quick call home to get ahead of more severe challenges.

Filter with Finesse: When implementing MTSS effectively, tools that simplify family & student outreach are essential. Take advantage of advanced filtering options by grouping students exhibiting similar attendance patterns & trends to help keep you organized and efficient. Drilling down into student subgroups, absenteeism rates, and patterns can help you hone in on targeted family communications and campaigns across your MTSS.

Transparent Teamwork: Your dashboard can also help you get the full picture of your colleagues’ ongoing work and any student insights they’ve uncovered. No need to duplicate efforts: EveryDay Pro allows every team member to record notes from ongoing campaigns and conversations, helpful information as you make your own effective calls home or home visits. 

Turning Data into Actionable Conversations

Armed with the insights gleaned from your MTSS attendance dashboard, get ready for even better conversations with families and students. 

Some dashboards may overwhelm even the most seasoned expert with superfluous information and complicated filters. Is your dashboard accessible enough to even ground your conversations with students

A Tool for Student Collaboration: If you’re using a dashboard that offers clear, color-coded and concise information, why not turn the computer around and share it with students? Giving you concrete data to ground your conversation, many EveryDay Pro users love to use the dashboard during student discussions as they strategize on how you can work together to improve attendance and actualize their goals. 

Help Families Overcome Barriers to Attendance: Your dashboard should be ready to help you deliver the right support to the right student at the right time. Some dashboards, like EveryDay Pro, provide guidance on delivering a barrier assessment to explore the root cause of attendance challenges, as well as space to jot down any findings right away and easily visible for colleagues who may be supporting the same student. 

Celebrate Progress: You’re likely already recognizing the students and classrooms that are making big strides in their attendance. Your dashboard can make this extra simple when it presents data updated nightly, like EveryDay Pro, and shows you at a glance which students are trending upwards (or downwards), so that you can give them a high five, make a friendly call home, or even write a thank you note, like our friends at Elk Hills

Ready for an MTSS tool that works as hard as you do?

Reach out to learn more about EveryDay Pro and how it can help support your team, engage your families, and motivate your students to achieve their full potential.

Getting students on track starts with attendance. We can help.